Resiblock Resiecco
For Simulated Stone and Terrazzo Pavers
Unsure of what type of paver you have? Click here to find your paving match.
Have you selected a Pre-Sealing Cleaner yet?
Guard Cleaner Surface Preparation cleans general dirt, soiling, and stains, but more importantly, it prepares the surface for sealing by opening up the pores of the pavers. By ensuring the pores are open and clean, the sealant can better penetrate, resulting in a stronger, longer-lasting seal.

Guard Cleaner Surface Preparation
R345,00 Incl. VAT
Resiblock Resiecco
For Simulated Stone and Terrazzo Pavers
Unsure of what type of paver you have? Click here to find your paving match.
Resiblock Resiecco is a thermoplastic paving sealant. Its advanced formulation allows the plastic to penetrate the capillaries of the paved material, so it not only coats the pavers but also becomes a part of its material structure. Additionally, the flexible plastic penetrates the jointing material between pavers, waterproofing, binding, and hardening it.
For more detailed information on this product, click here.
R1265,00 Incl. VAT
5 litre
Have you selected a Pre-Sealing Cleaner yet?
Guard Cleaner Surface Preparation cleans general dirt, soiling, and stains, but more importantly, it prepares the surface for sealing by opening up the pores of the pavers. By ensuring the pores are open and clean, the sealant can better penetrate, resulting in a stronger, longer-lasting seal.

Guard Cleaner Surface Preparation
R345,00 Incl. VAT
Resiblock Resiecco is a solvent-free sealant suitable for dense paving products. It is ideal for wet-cast concrete products (simulated paving stones) like SmartStone and Terrazzo tiles. Acting as both a joint stabilizer and a protective agent, Resiblock Resiecco stabilises paving grouting and offers superior stain resistance to paved surfaces. With its deep-penetrating formula, Resiblock Resiecco provides long-lasting protection by reaching into the surface of the pavers. This sealant may be used on residential driveways.
Also available in a 25L – Enquire here.
Coverage could be anything between 1-6m² per litre.
Why so vague?
- The actual coverage depends on the type of paving material, its age, porosity, jointing material, joint widths, and even bedding material. The degree of joint stabilising required, will also greatly influence the consumption. Â
- We recommend purchasing one 5L container, initially to apply in real life conditions. From there, you could more accurately calculate quantities required.Â
Should you require any assistance, please contact us.
For an application video, please click here –
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